Sunday, April 20, 2008

विश्वास या अन्ध-विश्वास : व्याख्या जरुरी

संजीव तिवारी जी के ब्लाग आरम्भ मे इस विषय पर एक साप्ताहिक लेखमाला जारी है। यह हिन्दी मे है पर सुविधा के लिये जिन विषयो पर अब तक लिखा जा चुका है उसकी सूची अंग्रेजी मे नीचे दी जा रही है।


I. Why it is believed that presence of plant named Jhagadhin in home garden results in family dispute and tension? Is it faith or blind faith?

II. Traditional way of Jaundice treatment 'Pelea Jhadna' is right or wrong?

III. Why it is believed that Ghost lives in Tamarind trees?

IV. Hanging Neem branches in houses on Hareli festival is faith or blind faith?

V. Is it true that presence of Garud plant or plant parts in house repels snakes away?

VI. Secretion of 'Mad' from old trees of Neem is miracle or not?

VII. Is it possible to make gold from yellow flowered Palash?

VIII. Is it true that white flowered Bhatkatiya is an indicator of treasure inside ground?

IX. Can Tilak of Vat root and Vidarikand hypnotize anyone?

X. Why it is suggested to throw all clothes including handkerchiefs on poisonous snake?

XI. Is it true that by wearing Tabiz having horns of Barahsingha (Swamp Deer) one can get protection from snakes?

XII. Is it true that by wearing Ashok leaf on head one can get success every time?

XIII. Is skull of owl destroy all enemies?

XIV. Why it is said that seeing Maina means possibilities of wealth loss through Dacoits and thieves?

XV. Why it is said that presence of Nirgundi plant in front of house protects from evil spirits?

XVI. Is presence of Kaurav-pandav plant in home garden results in family dispute?

XVII. Is presence of Drooping Ashok in home garden results in loss in business?

1 comment:

नीरज गोस्वामी said...

ज्ञान वर्धन के लिए शुक्रिया.
आज कल कविताओं और ग़ज़लों से बेरुखी क्यों है? ना लिखते हैं और ना पढ़ते हैं? ऐसा क्या हुआ भाई?